How I Failed a Quiz on Default Behavior

How I Failed a Quiz on Default Behavior

You remember those mornings in high school. Teacher finishes taking roll, stands up, writes on the board: You’ve been listening in class. Sort of. Taking notes. Usually. Doing your homework. Pretty much. Now, you’ll prove it. I was reminded recently of a...
If You’re Struggling With Pressure

If You’re Struggling With Pressure

A warm welcome to guest blogger, Julie McGhghy! We met while on a study tour of Israel in 2018. She is a writer, teacher, speaker, and associate in missions. After leaving her lengthy career as an attorney and privacy officer in 2019, she now devotes her time to...
The Arachnid Lesson

The Arachnid Lesson

She wanted to sing her new song. My soon-to-be-2 granddaughter stood in our living room twisting her toddler fingers into climby-spider shapes. Adorable. So I looked for a colorful board book about the critter. Found one, glanced through it quickly, liked the creative...
How Not to Have a Regrets List

How Not to Have a Regrets List

Life would be infinitely happier if we could be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen.Mark Twain Have you ever walked through an elder care facility and wondered about the lives of those men and women? About what regrets they might have? Australian...
Notes from a Long Term Marriage

Notes from a Long Term Marriage

If I get married, I want to be very married.Audrey Hepburn, Actress Funny. As of yesterday I’ve been married 45 years. 45 years. I have to sit and look at that for a minute. Okay. Here are a few things I’ve learned about marriage so far: The idea of...