Think With Me
It began
in the late summer of 1992 when I found a shrink-wrapped New International Version One Year Bible among my paternal grandmother’s things after her passing. Frank and Irene were evangelists, church planters, missionaries, lovers of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
And they read the King James Version of the Bible diligently.
I have no idea how Grandma acquired the OYB, but it was no wonder to me that this (relative) newcomer, with its new-fangled way of reading through the Bible in a year would have held little interest for her.
But it certainly got my attention. I began reading it in September 1992 and have read it through each year since—except for one year I spent in the Book of Job. That was an emotionally trying experience, alternating between exasperation (okay, fury) at Job’s “comforters”, horror at Job’s condition, and deep admiration for his battered faith.
The Conversation
I began a conversation with the OYB, reading with a pencil (my preference), making notes, asking questions. A constant companion has been a 22-volume set of The Pulpit Commentary—19th century British theologians. (Yes, seriously.)
After the initial OYB was quite worn, I parted daily ways with the NIV, and chose the New King James Version. This meant taking a year to move all my notes and underlinings from the NIV to the new Bible. I was touched when my daughter, Jessica, asked for that original red volume found among her grandmother’s things so long ago.
When my daughter-in-law, Dana, asked, “Mom, when you’re ready to replace that Bible, can I have it?”, it dawned on me that something valuable was being established. The reading, study, and conversation with scripture that had taken such root in my life was also a gift of legacy. If you ever think of leaving me anything, leave me your Book.
After taking another year to move my notes to the new one, I gave it to her. She received it, I will never forget, with tears in her eyes. Some years later, after the same process, I passed on another OYB to my daughter-in-law, Jennifer.
I’ve also kept notebooks to process what I’m reading—a broader conversation with God’s Word. And they are also a source for blog posts, magazine articles, and devotional submissions.
Yes, there have been times when I fell behind: travel, illness, a consuming crisis. But, I always return, take a week or two to catch up, and resume the morning pleasure of its pages.
Think With Me
In 2012 I began blogging. For the past few years, my specific focus has been family legacy. All of my posts remain available in categories via the “Blog” link.
Now, I want to share my experiences in the OYB and how they have molded my mind toward the things of God. That is the focus: to encourage you to Think With Me on this journey of spiritual delight through the Word.
I hope you’ll find my perspective interesting: character sketches, scenes I find particularly moving, places of raw emotion, or deep conviction. There is humor sometimes, too, as we consider the very human way that human beings function. And, ultimately, how we can apply what we’ve learned to the lives we lead.
If you haven’t already, please consider joining my email list. You’ll receive my posts directly into your inbox. I think you will find them helpful on your own journey.
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