Read Matthew 11:28-30 for Jesus’ words of comfort; Matthew 26:14-16 and Luke 22:1-6 for other events unfolding at this time 

Over the fireplace in a retreat center deep in the redwoods here in Sonoma County is a quote by the Roman poet, Ovid:

Take rest; the rested field yields a bountiful crop.

We never see Jesus rushed or harried. He moves deliberately, purposefully. And throughout his ministry, he sometimes leaves the crowds, even his disciples, for solitary places. When Jesus is weary, he rests and prays.

The thing that awaits Him must be approached with enormous spiritual, emotional, and physical strength. He has cleansed the Temple, and poured out His last drop of ministry upon the people. Now it is necessary to be replenished to endure what lies ahead.

Here, in the middle of his final week before death, Jesus withdraws to Bethany. He would have chosen the home of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, a safe place with dear friends. There will be meals and companionship if desired, quiet when needed.


Lauren F. Winner writes in her book, Still: “My Bible is open to the fifth chapter of Luke. The story tells us that Jesus often withdrew to lonely places to pray. What can it mean for a place to be lonely? A place, lonely like Jesus? Lonely like me? Maybe I can make my loneliness into an invitation—to Jesus, that he might withdraw into me and pray.”

I like this thought. And Jesus is facing loneliness on a scale unknown to any human being. Ever.

Today provides an opportunity for us to ponder what is to take rest in Jesus. Perhaps we can withdraw for a time ourselves, and make those solitary moments—in this week of meditation and preparation—an invitation to him.

He said, “Come to Me and rest.” Are you willing?