8 year old: Can we order pizza?

Mom: Not tonight, son. Your dad went hunting for groceries this morning and we’re going to microwave burritos just like the pioneers did.

Dear Moms:

Just want to say that you will never have a more important job in your life than this one.

It’s hard to see while microwaving your thousandth burrito or decoding the next math assignment or logging on to one more Zoom meeting with teachers or cleaning up endless messes during what seems like an interminable season.

Someday, this will be a memory – distinct but distant – woven into all the other mothering you did with all your heart. You will have learned a lot about yourself. What you are actually capable of. That you had previously unrecognized stores of patience and creativity you determinedly brought to bear on a weird and stress-filled time.

Rose’s kisses.

Draw close to God in this season: for wisdom (He will provide it in spades – James 1:5), comfort (He is the God of all . . . II Cor. 1:3-4), and relief from anxiety (Do not have an anxious mind – Luke 12:29).

We’re all probably feeling like a little guy named Frank who wrote:

Dear God, I am doing the best I can.

Well, God knows this and nothing approaches us that has not first gone through his hands.

You are admired, appreciated, loved. And you and your family are in His care. Stay trusting. And rest in the One Who loves you most.

Wishing you a Blessed and very Happy Mother’s Day. Debra