by debracelovsky | Feb 14, 2025 | Valentine's Day
A line from this movie flashed into my mind recently as I was thinking about the approach of Valentine’s Day, and I decided to repost this memory from the archives. May the only things we are measuring and counting out are the rich blessings of love and our...
by debracelovsky | Feb 12, 2024 | Valentine's Day
Due to the trepidatious occurrence of Lent again commencing on Valentine’s Day, I have—again— decided to make a different kind of Lenten offering. Rather than give up sugar, an obvious choice year to year with my proclivities, or chocolate, which I’ve...
by debracelovsky | Feb 3, 2024 | New Year, Travel, Valentine's Day
Never, in all the years we’ve traveled, have I been so aware of people as on a recent trip Down Under. Not that there are a lot of people in Australia. As of June 2023, the population was 26,638,544. As of June 2023, my home state of California had a population...
by debracelovsky | Feb 17, 2020 | Family Life, Valentine's Day, Word
Plenty of hate in the world today. Plenty of violence. The world needs God’s love. But what does that mean? How do you know when you are in the presence of love? Is it a feeling? Oh, we’re big on feelings nowadays. You have yours and I have mine and should...