

Tell the story of the mountain you climbed. Your words could become a page in someone else’s survival guide. Morgan Harper Nichols So, if you’re reading Genesis, do these questions ever cross your mind? Where was Moses when he wrote it all down? And where in the...


How have you decided how to approach God’s Word this year? I was thinking recently about the relationship we form with the Bible over time: Close and personal? Hurried? Obligatory? Sporadic? Any relationship takes time and attention. When we are genuinely...
Christmas Meditation: Silence is Broken

Christmas Meditation: Silence is Broken

I like to begin with the priest in the Temple. We can begin our advent meditations in any number of places—the stable, out on the hillside, with the vivid Old Testament prophecies. I particularly love the opening of Luke’s account. He begins at the breaking of...


On March 5th, 2022, an underwater archeological team from the Falklands Maritime Heritage Trust discovered the wreck of the Endurance. It rests at 9,869 feet off the northwest coast of Antartica, lying in some of the coldest waters on earth. The ship had sailed from...
The Runaway

The Runaway

Funny how you can find yourself challenged to consider unexpected things in unexpected places in scripture. Case in point is the only letter among the Apostle Paul’s private correspondence included in the New Testament canon. One commentator writes:...