How to Recognize Love

How to Recognize Love

Plenty of hate in the world today. Plenty of violence. The world needs God’s love. But what does that mean? How do you know when you are in the presence of love? Is it a feeling? Oh, we’re big on feelings nowadays. You have yours and I have mine and should...
Take Control of Regret

Take Control of Regret

Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves – regret for the past and fear of the future. Fulton Oursler Nasty business, regret. Memories of things said and left unsaid, things done and left undone. Recently I came across a journal entry from a number...

What is Your One Thing?

Happiness is having a large, caring, close-knit family –  in another city. George Carlin While I hope that cynical/funny observation doesn’t describe your tribe, it’s too true for too many families. Regarding the basic idea, and to be technically...

Mary and the Angel, Scene II

Then Mary said, “How can this be since I do not have a husband?” Luke 1:34 The story of Jesus’ birth seems to have been little known in the early days of the church. Those first believers believed and taught His life and miracles, His death and...