by debracelovsky | Apr 13, 2020 | Wordmistress
Alright, everyone, gather around. Wordmistress wants a word with you. It is time to clean up our collective vocabulary and polish our verbal skills. The future of concise communication is in peril. WM is here to help. Hopefully, you will find her instruction to be an...
by debracelovsky | Apr 4, 2020 | Lent/Easter
When I was growing up, Easter appeared like a glorious burst of light in springtime. The small church my father pastored did all the traditional things and we children anticipated them with huge excitement: new Easter outfits, a Sunday School program, the Easter egg...
by debracelovsky | Mar 23, 2020 | Prayer
To belong to Jesus is to embrace the nations with Him. John Piper When I was 17, I went to Haiti on my first short-term missions trip. It was the first time I had seen people – block after block of them – sleeping on sidewalks. Even then in the early...
by debracelovsky | Mar 16, 2020 | Family Life, Lent/Easter, Prayer, Word
When I was in my teens, a newly-minted driver, my sister and I stopped at Fosters Freeze one blazing hot afternoon for the largest possible chocolate swirl ice cream cones. It was the middle of a typically sweltering summer in Redding, CA and there we were sailing...
by debracelovsky | Mar 2, 2020 | Wordmistress
Wordmistress, ever vigilant on the watchtowers of correct expression, has spied yet another verbal trespasser. This intruder does not lurk. It strides straight through conversation, clobbering perfectly acceptable statements of being with an unnecessary and...