Saturday: Waiting

Saturday: Waiting

Read Matthew 27:62-66 I imagine it as a day of unearthly calm. Between the horror and terror of Friday, and the inexpressible joy of Sunday morning, there is a day. I take the liberty of speculating: the bodies have been removed, the crosses stand empty, and Saturday...
Friday: Consummatum Est!

Friday: Consummatum Est!

The Gospel of John, Chapter 19 Following is from John Bunyan’s classic, Pilgrim’s Progress: Now I saw in my dream that the highway which Christian was to go was fenced on either side with a wall called Salvation (Isaiah 26:1). Up this way therefore did...
Thursday: As I Have Loved

Thursday: As I Have Loved

Read The Gospel of John 13–17; and 18 These first five chapters are, in my opinion, among the most beautiful in scripture. From the moment Jesus enters the Passover room until he hears the approach of the mob in the Garden, love overshadows every word. Before Jesus...
Wednesday: Rest.

Wednesday: Rest.

Read Matthew 11:28-30 for Jesus’ words of comfort; Matthew 26:14-16 and Luke 22:1-6 for other events unfolding at this time  Over the fireplace in a retreat center deep in the redwoods here in Sonoma County is a quote by the Roman poet, Ovid: Take rest; the...
Tuesday: Poured Out

Tuesday: Poured Out

 Matthew 21:23–Chapter 25 Alas for those that never sing, but die with all their music in them!  ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes, The Voiceless, 1858 This quote comes to mind as I read Matthew’s account of all Jesus said and did on this day. It is astonishing. He...