Traveling Light for Lent, Part One

Traveling Light for Lent, Part One

As I was preparing this week’s post on the approach of Lent 2021 (Wednesday, February 17 – Saturday, April 3), I recalled this one from the past. It is worth sharing again, with a few edits. Part Two, next week, will include a recent, nerve-wracking...
In This New Year: Mind the Light

In This New Year: Mind the Light

Amid all this lived this sturdy little woman, keeping her lamp alight so that New York Harbor might be safe for ships that pass in the night.Obituary, Kate Walker, New York Evening Post, February 5, 1931 In New York Harbor, between Staten Island and the Statue of...
Christmas Question: Why Then?

Christmas Question: Why Then?

The past looks forward to the future. Nothing in the past will satisfy the hearts of men. We may ransack antiquity but we shall find there no substitute for Christ. W.F. Adeney, 19th c. minister and biblical scholar What does Alexander the Great have to do with the...
Girl in the Morning

Girl in the Morning

Behold the maidservant of the Lord. Let it be to me according to your word.Luke 1:38 Here at the beginning of Advent, and after a year that feels shredded, we turn once again to the Christmas story for beauty and for comfort in its familiar scenes and eternal promise....