On Lent: Come Aside

On Lent: Come Aside

He said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest (Mark 6:31b NIV). Come to me . . . and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28 CSB). “We want,” quipped C.S. Lewis, in The Problem of Pain, “not so much a father in...
A Valentine: Lottie’s Wise Words on Love

A Valentine: Lottie’s Wise Words on Love

A line from this movie flashed into my mind recently as I was thinking about the approach of Valentine’s Day, and I decided to repost this memory from the archives. May the only things we are measuring and counting out are the rich blessings of love and our...
What to Take, What to Leave Behind

What to Take, What to Leave Behind

Most of us know that one of the trickiest things about preparing for a long trip is deciding—out of all your many possessions—what to take with you. You know the universal instruction: On the bed, lay out all the clothes you intend to pack, along with all the money....
A Christmas Meditation: This One Shall Be Peace

A Christmas Meditation: This One Shall Be Peace

Recently, I was rereading this post from December of 2020, the first of those terrible covid years, and remembering how very much we needed this message in that season. Fact is, we need it in every season. I was thinking about how interesting it is that Christmas...