Read The Gospel of John 13–17; and 18

These first five chapters are, in my opinion, among the most beautiful in scripture.

From the moment Jesus enters the Passover room until he hears the approach of the mob in the Garden, love overshadows every word.

Before Jesus shows his love through suffering and death, he demonstrates it as a servant. Kneeling to wash their feet. he says:

You do not know what I am doing now, but, later, you will understand.

Before Jesus shows his love through suffering and death, he expresses His love in words. They pour from Him in a torrent of affection and tenderness:

Dear ones, love each other as I love you. Do not fear. I’m going away, but I will return for you. Love one another. Obey my commands. I will send the Comforter. Love one another. I give you my joy. And I have overcome the world. Love one another as I love you.

These words have comforted—and challenged—the Church through the ages. If we let them, they purge resentment and bitterness. They soften hard places.

I speak these words that you may have peace.

Jesus prays for His disciples and for those who believe in Me through their word. Even then, for us.


I have stood at the iron fence enclosing a remnant of the olive groves covering the mountain where Jesus entered on that night. He will kneel there, and His agony will be so great that, when it is over, an angel will minister to Him. Regarding this terrible scene, G. Gordon Campbell writes: “He began to enter into the consciousness of His absolute isolation.” Thus, the beginning and the end of his earthly ministry are marked by temptation, the overcoming, and the ministry of angels (Matthew 4:1-11, Luke 22:39-45).

He passes the test. Not my will. Your will alone.

Tonight on the eve of Calvary, will we pray that prayer?